I posted a message on the Spiritual Friends Locator webpage stating that I have started keeping this blog. A person named "PJ" asked an excellent question:
"I checked out your blog and I am curious as to why you are doing it. What do you hope to get from it? Also what teachers or teachings do you think have influenced you the most? "
This was my response:
"Hi PJ,
I think first of all and most of all, I wish to make a friend who shares an interest in all things spiritual. At the same time, I hope to learn from them. Perhaps they can learn from me, too. I've found that by keeping a blog I can judge my progress. It is sort of like a journal or diary of sorts. It's a place to keep my thoughts as I progress along the path. Someday I can look back on them and see how I've grown.
I haven't had much experience with many teachers, yet, but I've enjoyed reading the Dalai Lama as well as a few sayings from Meher Baba. I am open to all sources. Believe it or not, I'd say the teacher who's had the greatest influence on me so far was my college professor who taught "Religions of the East". She taught me quite a bit, I think without her realizing it - because it opened the door to a whole new world to me. I was spiritually blind before that class.
I hope this answers your questions. I hope you have a good day.
Hi Goatman,
That sounds like a similar realization that I had come to in December of 2001 (thanks to my college course in Religions of the East).
At one point, I had the feeling that we are all just scattered pieces of the same blob-like entity. Sounds kind of strange, huh?
Thanks, Grace. I'm glad to see your blog up and running, too! I'll be sure to visit again.
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