Friday, March 24, 2006

Party Time

The world is a great big giant shiny disco ball. Let's just all dance and have a good time.


Anonymous said...

Stacey, mon amour,
May I have the honour
to dance with you.
Were you drunk the last time you
you were in my blog?;>)

Anonymous said...

We kinda miss you a lot.
So who is your new teacher?
Hope you don't lose your freedom.
In case you need us, you know where to find us. :>)
I want you to be free.

Blogger said...

Hi Stacey,

All of life is a dance with the infinite. The hardest part is making sure that you are hearing the song correctly

Anonymous said...

LOL right, your are just too busy dancing with pollux and castor to talk to me, well, that is fine, call me when you are lonely.

Sophia said...

LOL You are a funny creature. Read my latest post on my blog. Your email is having problems. I can't email you. I've been trying all morning.

Jim said...

what topic is this anyway?

Sophia said...

This is the "party time" topic, where the whole world dances together.

I've been sending you about 20 emails, and I also posted three times on your R/R blog. Go see it and check your email, too. Please.

Jim said...

that is alright ma, i'll talk to my dog, she sings yiddish, real hot.

Sophia said...

Hey, do you need sleep or something? You don't believe me?

Sophia said...


Let's dance the night away. Do you like to Tango? :)

LOL No, the last time I was at your blog I was totally sober. Honest. :)

Sophia said...

Castor, my dear....

I miss you, too. Thanks! My new teacher is my wonderful friend Jim. I haven't lost my freedom, I've gained my freedom. He is truly liberating, if you give him enough time. Some people have ignored him it seems, but if you listen to him long enough you see that he is a treasure trove of knowledge and spiritual ideas. But more than all this he is a wonderful friend.

Sophia said...

Hi Nondualreality,

Thanks for stopping by. I might not be hearing all the notes of the infinite yet, but I think I've at least been hearing the harmony. Maybe someday I will hear the entire orchestration and then I can say perhaps I am enlightened! But that is a very long time away from now.

Blogger said...
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Blogger said...

When you hear the song you are going with the current, floating on the breeze.
Flowing with the universe instead of constantly fighting against it.

Anonymous said...

You've gained your freedom Stacey? Do you mean from your previous teacher or in some other sense? Come on now you can't make a statement like that on a blog like this without saying a bit more!