Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fortune Cookies

I went out to eat Thursday night. I had two fortune cookies. I think they definitely say good things:

"Sharing little joys offers great hope to others."

"No man is a failure who is enjoying life."

And just for a fun little game, for those of you who play the lottery, here are the numbers on them in the same respective order as above:

11, 14, 20, 25, 29, 30

8, 10, 14, 39, 40, 45

Now if anyone wins, just remember who shared these numbers. :) Hehehe!


Anonymous said...

"No one is failure who is enjoying life."

Yes! That was what I wanted to say.
It doesn't matter if I am enlightened or not as long as I am happy now.

Hayley's Bed said...

i can not see how 'happiness' is a better state than any other...happiness can be so inappropriate in so many instances...unkind, insensitive in many cases to ones' environment, that i fail to see why it is the 'preferred' state.

were anne frank or gandhi 'happy' or were they more in tune with the reality of the world to feel otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I guess they were happy doing what they were doing! Inspite of the circumstances.
A number of "enlightened people" don't consider Ghandi a saint for being a vain exhibitionist. But who cares? As long as he was happy most of the time. I believe being depressed most of the time is not a healthy state.
As for Anne Frank herself she has to keep herself happy by writing her diary. A long face could mean a long day in the dark, without sunlight.
Endure the present but be happy.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand I understand what you mean. Having a wide grin while somebody or the rest of the group are being serious or unhappy seems vain and arrogant, and uncaring.
I know a guy who smiles a lot and looks happy all the time even when some people are down. He doesn't seem to have any anxiety at all. One day I tried to imitate him, thinking it was such a good thing. I grinned like the Buddha. But after a while I realized my fault.
These days I try not to laugh too much and too loudly. Alone in my car driving home I can really laugh like crazy.

Red Bark said...


Thanks for sharing your little joys.

Anonymous said...

i got the "no one is a failure..." fortune yesternight (3feb2007) at a restaurant with some old college friends, before seeing the midnight show of RUSHMORE. [smile]

also, about a week ago, i had a dream that ended with numbers shown to me like a subtitle on a movie screen of my dream.... all i recalled was that the first two numbers were 8, and 10...and then the 10 turned into a smiley face.


Anonymous said...

i got the "no one is a failure..." fortune yesternight (3feb2007) at a restaurant with some old college friends, before seeing the midnight show of RUSHMORE.

also, about a week ago, i had a powerful dream that ended with a string of numbers shown to me like a subtitle on a movie screen of my dream.... soon all i could recalll were the first two numbers: 8, and 10...and then the 10 turned into a smiley face.
